To promote and perpetuate WSU Master Gardener program with the Lewis County Extension Office. To promote public interest in gardening and home horticulture through education and other activities. To facilitate an exchange of ideas, information and expertise among members through periodic newsletters, seminars, meetings and other activities. To engage in activities that will further the objectives of the Foundation and the WSU Extension. To interact with the Master Gardener Foundation of Washington State.

Upcoming Events
Free per-registration 3-4 days prior to the event. Call 360-740-1212 or email julie.pirtle@lewiscountywa.gov, Monday – Thursday, 9:00AM – 3:00PM. This workshop will provide you with information on what grapes grow the best in our local area. How to plant and prune them to yield the best harvest.
Free per-registration 3-4 days prior to the event to ensure there are enough materials. Call 36o-740-1212 or email julie.pirtle@lewiscountywa.gov. Are you wondering why your blueberries are not producing well if that is the case this is the class for you. Learn how and when to prune the them, fertilize and much more.
Free per-registration 3-5 days prior to the event to ensure there are enough materials. My plant is pot bound and I can see the roots coming out of the pot; what should I do next? Why, when I transplant my plant to a bigger pot it dies? Find out the answer to these questions and much more.
Six free gardening workshops to be announced later.
All of our plant for the sale are grown by Lewis County Master Gardeners. They have already adapted to our climate and ready for you to plant in your garden. We offer the best selection of tomatoes in the county. Please, don’t plant your tomatoes outside until the nighttime temperatures have reached 52 degrees.
Saturday the hours of the Plant Sale are 9:00AM – 4:00PM
Sunday 9:00AM until sold out