About Us
Washington State University (WSU) Extension Master Gardeners are university-trained volunteers who provide research-based information about gardening, environmental stewardship, and horticulture topics to individuals and groups in Lewis County. Volunteers must complete an extensive training program, complete volunteer requirements and complete continuing education classes each year to earn the title “Certified WSU Extension Master Gardener.” What we do:
- Answer home gardening and insect questions for Lewis County, WA residents
- Provide program speakers on home gardening topics
- Provide free or low-cost gardening classes and workshops
- Maintain four demonstration gardens to showcase various gardening techniques of interest to Lewis County, WA residents
- Staff Plant and Insect Clinics to assist residents in properly identifying plants, weeds and insect or disease damage either in our office or at various venues throughout the county.
- Support two youth outreach programs at Lincott Elementary in Chehalis and Toledo Elementary School in Toledo.
The Master Gardener Foundation of Lewis County is a non-profit corporation founded by enthusiastic Master Gardeners to support the programs of the WSU Lewis County Master Gardeners through financial, educational and communication support. This support funds much of the continuing training of Master Gardeners, as well as supporting the many educational classes and workshops provided to residents of our county.
The foundation works closely with community leaders, home gardeners and federal, state and county agencies to provide home horticulture information to the public and to protect our environment.
Your contribution to the foundation helps to assure the WSU Lewis County Master Gardener programs continuation of service and excellence. Ongoing projects include:
- Annual training of new volunteers
- Publishing monthly newsletters
- Plant and insect identification clinics year round
- Speakers Bureau
- Annual Plant Sale (weekend after Mother’s Day)
- Promoting gardening through classes and workshops at three demonstration gardens
- Free community gardening workshops
WSU Extension programs are available to all without discrimination. Evidence of non-compliance should be reported through your local WSU Extension office.