Salkum Library Demonstration Garden (est. 2004):

The Salkum Demonstration Garden is located at 2480 U.S. Highway 12
Salkum, WA 98582
The Salkum Demonstration Garden is on the grounds of the Salkum Timberland Library. It features:
- A “Tough-as-Nails” garden, highlighting plants that are drought-tolerant and deer-resistant.
- Two gardens offering ideas on interesting trees that stay at manageable heights, and perennials and shrubs that have year-round (and particularly winter) interest.
- Two raised “Hugelkultur” beds that illustrate the European technique of building waterwise vegetable and herb gardens on a base of logs and other wood waste.
- A Firewise garden, showing the principles of landscaping to protect your home against wildfire damage.
- Raised vegetable beds whose interesting crops vary from year to year.
- Attractive hardscaping that includes grape and kiwi arbors and twig-art trellises.
Features are being updated and added every year. Please visit us often.
Directions: From I-5 take Exit 68 (Morton/Yakima U.S. Hwy 12 West). The library is located at 2480 U.S. Highway 12, approximately 12.5 miles east of I-5.
Providence Place Demonstration Garden (est. 1998)

Providence Place is a HUD senior residence. Many residents have retired from homes and farms where they actively garden. The residents enjoy gardening in raised vegetable beds that help them overcome physical barriers of gardening with some assistance from Master Gardeners
Master Gardeners maintain various demonstration gardens at Providence Place where visitors can see
- raised vegetable gardens
- rose gardens
- blueberry path
- registered Monarch butterfly station and garden
- sitting garden
- Japanese style garden
- Hummingbird garden
- tiered garden
- native garden
- wet area garden
- patio garden
- beach theme garden
- moon garden
- Hydragea garden
The West and North street sides of Providence Place host trees planted by Master Gardeners and Youth Outreach Groups.
Borst Demonstration Garden (est. 1998)

Fort Borst Park is 1 blk. W. of I-5 exit 82, then a blk. S. on Belmont Ave. to the park entrance at 2020 Borst Ave. Among the historic sites here is the Fort Borst Blockhouse, just east of the park entrance; the reconstructed log fort was occupied briefly by troops during the Indian Wars before being sold to Joseph Borst for use as a granary.
The Joseph Borst House, in the southern part of the park, was built in 1864 and is well preserved thanks to wood and joints hand-dipped in white lead to waterproof them.
Today, the Borst family estate features 16 gardens maintained by WSU Lewis County Certified Master Gardeners.
The demonstration garden features:
- Pollinator Garden
- Shade Garden
- a Dahlia Garden
- Grape Arbor (to be planted in 2023)
- Salsa Garden
- a Heirloom Vegetable garden
- a Herb garden
- Lavendar Lane Gardens
- Native Plants Garden
- Winter Garden
- Trellis Garden
- Fruit and Berry Garden
- Drought Resistant Garden
- Square Foot Garden
- Deer Resistant Garden
- Square Foot Garden
- Cottaage Garden
There is also an Arboretum program identifiying trees throughout the garden and park.
Southwest Washington Fairgrounds Demonstration Garden (est. 2016)
These two gardens are located with the Southwest Washington Fairgrounds located at 1909 South Gold Street, Centralia, Washington
Est. in 2016 in A Garden for all Seasons

This garden is located by the saloon stage and it features the year-round beauty and interest that can be achieved with shrubs, trees, grasses, perennials and annuals.

Est. 2020 Pollinator Garden
The Pollinator Garden is located by the judging pavilion. This garden is designed with the intent of growig specific nectar and pollen-producing plants, in a way that attracts pollinating insects known as polliators. A nearby kisok has information about these different pollinators and their needs.

The focus of the Greenhouse Demo Garden is to propagate plants using seeds and cuttings. The 20’ X 30’ greenhouse is surrounded by 11 raised beds so that plants can be grown to full maturity in our local environment. All plants produced are sold at our two plant sales.